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As cyber threats evolve and grow, it’s not a matter of if a cyberattack will occur but when – or worse, has it already happened, and you just don’t know it? As a result of the ever-changing technology landscape and the increasing frequency of breaches, the New York State legislature...

IBM and the Ponemon Institute recently released their annual Cost of a Data Breach report and found, not surprisingly, that the frequency and cost of data breaches are continuing to rise. The survey was performed over a 12-month period and included feedback from more than 470 companies worldwide. Here are...

With the increasing number of security and data breaches being identified, cybersecurity has gained global and local attention.  Increased emphasis and scrutiny from regulators, including the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), will be bringing cybersecurity awareness to the forefront of annual audits and reviewing every day risk management practices....

The importance of vendor management continues to rise across all industries, especially given the large growth in outsourcing functions to a third party. According to recent information security studies, third parties are the number one security risk to financial services and 60 percent of all targeted attacks struck small and...