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Cybersecurity Alert: Four Things to Know About the Urgent Windows Update

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Windows Update

Microsoft is currently urging Windows 10 users to update their systems to address severe vulnerabilities. Despite the warning, many Windows users will undoubtedly be infected by malware exploiting these weaknesses in the system.

Here are four things all Windows users need to know about this imperative update.

  1. The biggest issue with this current vulnerability is that it’s “wormable”, meaning that it can spread to other computers without any user interaction
  2. This issue doesn’t just affect Windows 10 systems. It affects Windows 7, 8, Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2019 too.
  3. The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) Base Score, which provides a scale for rating the severity of software vulnerabilities, for this issue is 9.8 out of 10 which illustrates the high risk of this vulnerability.
  4. Microsoft security patches should always be applied – this is one of the top 10 actions every information security professional recommends to their clients.

If you have any questions about best practices to reduce the risk of a cyberattack from this or any other system vulnerability, please reach out to me at or contact us here.

You can read more from Microsoft about the updates here.